Sunday, February 12, 2012

Learning How to Cook - From the Pro's on YouTube

As anyone who knows me can attest, my skills in the kitchen are…nil. It’s ironic that I, of all people, have a kitchen that is fit for a queen. Or at the very least, Rachael Ray. 

My kitchen - One of the few times it was actually used, for my birthday in 2011

When I first viewed my townhouse in Soulard four years ago, the kitchen should have stood out as amazing. But instead I was impressed by the exposed brick, the loft feel, and the fabulous location. The kitchen? Meh, it would do. My townhouse was built in the 1860’s and has undergone extensive restoration including adding a restaurant-grade Wolf range stove*, two stainless steel sinks, an eight foot long butcher block island, and a vintage Dr. Pepper sign. While I loved the look of my kitchen, I rarely ever used it. That, however, was about to change.

Despite my hesitation with cooking, I come from a long line of good cooks: My maternal grandmother could whip up fried chicken, stuffed peppers, and palatschinke. My sister, though a ridiculously picky eater, can cook almost anything from Polish sausage to our annual Thanksgiving turkey. My sister-in-law makes blueberry pie and chocolate chip cookies to die for. So dear readers, I knew I could do it. I knew if I tried to cook, I would probably really enjoy it. And if genes have anything to do with it, I might just be good at cooking, too.    

My paternal and maternal grandmothers cooking in the kitchen, ca. 1989

So, after a weekend of pure gluttony with drinks on Thursday here, followed by dinner here, and dinner and amazing dessert on Friday here, I was ready and in need of a little home cookin’. I knew I had four eggs, shredded cheese (Nacho Taco flavor, naturally) and Genoa salami in the fridge. Making an omelet out of those ingredients sounded easy enough. 

Having never made an omelet before (sad but true), I turned to the pro’s on YouTube for advice and guidance. After hours of endless entertainment (ok, minutes, I’m not that lame), I decided this guy would be my perfect cooking mentor. With his cute little hat, witty repartee, and background music, how could I go wrong?


I watched his video and proceeded into unknown territory. I cracked, I whipped, I stirred, and mixed. And wouldn’t you know, my first ever omelet turned out delicious. Maybe Julia Child was right, “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” 

Move over Emeril: My first ever omelet. Bam!

*St. Louis Fun Fact: Prior to finding a home in my townhouse, my Wolf range stove was used in Kresge's located in downtown St. Louis on the corner of 6th and Washington. In the late 1970's, Kresge's was renamed Kmart and in 2007 the company merged with Sears.


  1. Glad I took part in your non-homemade meals this weekend. Check out my sororty sister's blog:

  2. Me too! Thank God for Groupon! I tried to follow her blog, but it's private.

  3. What an awesome kitchen, Linda! That was fun last night and Chef Duane is an amazing cook and Co-Chef Rhonda too! Good for you for trying; but my Mama always said the best thing I make is Reservations! That's my story and I'm sticking to it, so people like my husband, Duane and Rhonda will continue cooking for me. LOL

  4. Great looking omelet!!!! Delish!!!!!


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