Monday, July 09, 2012

Weekend Recap: Lake of the Ozarks Edition

You know what I love? I love the Hamptons. I love the luxury, the summer homes, and the yachting. I love the ocean breeze, the quaint little restaurants, and the exorbitant amount of Lacoste seen on every man, woman, and child. I love the ridiculous wealth of it all.  

Alas, I’ve never actually “summered” in the Hamptons, but my sources (mainly the Real Housewives of New York City and innumerable books about the Kennedy’s) tell me this is what it’s like. St. Louis may not have the Hamptons, but we do have the tony hamlet known as the Lake of the Ozarks in which to while away our summer weekends.

So, to escape the sweltering 100+ degree temperatures, we made like Carole Radziwill and headed west.

We made a quick detour and stopped by the state capitol on our way:

We did some serious reading (and cigar smoking):

We sampled the Ozarks favorite lake fare:

We drank boozy Arnold Palmer’s:

We watched the boats go by:

We had a fabulous lake weekend and hope you did, too (even if you weren’t in the Hamptons!)

What? Like you don't take four bags with you for a two day trip.
The Polish Princess would.

{All photos taken with my iphone using the Instagram app.}


  1. Looks like you had a blast. Can't wait to hear details!

  2. Indeed we did! After the horrid weather we've had here, the 86 degree and 92 degree temperatures felt AMAZING!

  3. WOw, that sounds like an idyllic time!

  4. Thanks, Sarah! It definitely was!


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