Thursday, March 08, 2012

Cure What Ails You

This cute little blog has seen very little of me over the last week. Between traveling for work, getting my second sinus infection of the year (as the kids like to say, “Epic Fail!”), planning another work trip, and catching up with friends, I’ve had little time to update my little corner of the interwebs. But, oh, the posts I have planned! A post about the time I met the cutest reality TV stars ever. And a post about the the time I landed in Orlando, turned on my phone and received texts, tweets, and messages that my childhood crush, Davy Jones had died. But those posts are for another day. Today, here’s to lying on the couch and feeling better.

You know what else makes me feel better?

  • Little Sophia Grace Brownlee strutting her little sassy self on Ellen and singing her heart out to Nicki Minaj’ Super Bass:

  • A new neighborhood wine bar.
  • Reading books.
  • Watching movies. (Notice a pattern here?)
  • Checking Groupon Getaways every day and hoping for a good deal. Anywhere. Mama needs a vaca.
  • Catching up with the ladies of the OC. I use the term “ladies” loosely. Seriously, why did Vicki divorce Don? Why are Vicki and Tamra friends again? Why in the world is Gretchen dating Slade Smiley? These questions demand answers, people!
  • Joining Pinterest. (Follow me at @citydiva)
  • Knowing that this month’s Birchbox is on its way.
  • Hopefully, this recipe for Tomato Tea cures what ails me...once and for all. 

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