Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekend Recap: Pre-Thanksgiving Edition

Kyle and I had one if those weekends that screamed of domesticity. On Saturday, we ate an early brunch at Glutton (again), had our house cleaned while we were gone (love this little luxury!), shopped at Costco, attended a first birthday party (with the greatest cake smash ever) and finished the day with Chinese takeout and a movie. Busy, eventful and we were both wiped out when we finally got home. Eat your hearts out, all ye Vegas club goers!

The house is quickly coming together for our Thanksgiving guests who start arriving on Wednesday. We are beyond excited to host our first major holiday. The shopping, the holiday traffic, Christmas music on the radio, I love it all! Last week, in a major cleaning spree, I purged our pantry, bar, and entry closet. If the before and after of our pantry isn't Pinterest worthy, I don't know what is. 

...And after
Our pantry before...
New homes in Las Vegas are majorly lacking in storage space, so you have to get creative. We used this hanging shoe rack from Wal-Mart to act as extra storage for spices and Ziploc bags. This has de-cluttered our pantry and kitchen cabinets big time. It also helps to throw out any spices that expired in 2013. Ha! If you're looking for a new and healthy(ish) snack, I highly recommend the Harvest Snaps Snap Pea Crisps in Wasabi Ranch. You can see our bag peaking out from the third shelf. We tried the Lightly Salted flavor and it doesn't nearly pack the punch that the Wasabi Ranch does. So good!

Only three days to go! 

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