Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekend Recap: Pre-Thanksgiving Edition

Kyle and I had one if those weekends that screamed of domesticity. On Saturday, we ate an early brunch at Glutton (again), had our house cleaned while we were gone (love this little luxury!), shopped at Costco, attended a first birthday party (with the greatest cake smash ever) and finished the day with Chinese takeout and a movie. Busy, eventful and we were both wiped out when we finally got home. Eat your hearts out, all ye Vegas club goers!

The house is quickly coming together for our Thanksgiving guests who start arriving on Wednesday. We are beyond excited to host our first major holiday. The shopping, the holiday traffic, Christmas music on the radio, I love it all! Last week, in a major cleaning spree, I purged our pantry, bar, and entry closet. If the before and after of our pantry isn't Pinterest worthy, I don't know what is. 

...And after
Our pantry before...
New homes in Las Vegas are majorly lacking in storage space, so you have to get creative. We used this hanging shoe rack from Wal-Mart to act as extra storage for spices and Ziploc bags. This has de-cluttered our pantry and kitchen cabinets big time. It also helps to throw out any spices that expired in 2013. Ha! If you're looking for a new and healthy(ish) snack, I highly recommend the Harvest Snaps Snap Pea Crisps in Wasabi Ranch. You can see our bag peaking out from the third shelf. We tried the Lightly Salted flavor and it doesn't nearly pack the punch that the Wasabi Ranch does. So good!

Only three days to go! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

All I want for Christmas...

Since we've been together, Kyle and I have made a tradition of only spending $50 on each other for Christmas. As a newly married couple, we have savings and retirement goals we want to meet (sexy, baby) and regularly make big ticket purchases together throughout the year. When Christmas rolls around, we don't feel the need to spend lavishly and setting a budget for ourselves forces us to be creative when it comes time for gift giving.

Buuuuut, I don't remember Santa having a budget, so if he's reading, here are my top 5  gifts that ye old St. Nick can leave in my stocking:

Since taking photos with an actual camera is so old school and I exclusively snap pics with my iPhone, I find myself rarely printing any photos. I'm dating myself here, divas, but back in the day I was visiting Walgreens on the regular to print sleeves and sleeves of photos. Sadly, although I literally have thousands of photos saved on my phone, I never print them. This little gadget would make printing pics easy and efficient. 

I die over how cute this bike is. I'm not the most active gal in the world, but I bet I would be if I had this cute cruiser. Can't you just see me zooming down the streets of Sin City on this little number?

These stylish little totes would help keep me organized and keep my jewels and shoes in good condition when I travel. 

4. Kate Spade holiday ensemble and earrings 

I love all things Kate Spade, but this holiday ensemble and earrings are perfect for the holidays or a night out at the Smith Center

5. An original Banksy

Ok, so I know this one is a long shot, but Santa doesn't have a budget, remember? 

What's on your wish list? 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Fabulous Finds: Master of None

Are you watching Master of NoneCo-created, written, produced and starring the one and only Aziz Ansari, it's the latest buzzed about original programming from Netflix. Kyle and I started watching it over the weekend and finished the series in a few days. We loved much about the show and the purposeful integration of a multi-ethnic cast, but I wouldn't agree with the New York Times review calling the series, "The year's best comedy." 

Don't get me wrong. The show is funny and, at times, poignant, but it didn't hold our attention and make us binge watch like House of Cards or seasons one and two of Orange is the New Black. Although, I think we can all agree that Aziz's parents need their own show. Or, at the very least, their own YouTube channel. They were, easily, the breakout stars of this series. Every Millennial can relate to Dev (Aziz Ansari) when he tells his dad, "I'm not your personal computer guy!" Ding, ding! 


Watch Master of None and tell me what me you think! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

New Restaurant Wednesday: Glutton

Divas, do I have a restaurant for you! Last week, on a trip to Downtown Las Vegas, Kyle and I passed by a new (to us) restaurant, Glutton. Located on the corner of East Carson and South 7th Street, the name and logo definitely caught our attention. We just finished brunch at eat and noted that we should return over the weekend. The weather in Las Vegas was predicted to be a stunning sixty degrees, perfect for a morning stroll through Container Park and then getting our grub on at Glutton.

As a newer Las Vegan, even I know that Downtown Las Vegas (DTLV) has a colorful history. What’s now known as the Fremont Street Experience used to be what the Strip is today. Bright lights, bustling streets and the busy casinos gave way to decades of disrepair and neglect. For years, I’ve learned, locals and tourists alike avoided DTLV and Fremont Street at all costs. Then, ever so slowly, things began to change. 

An area that was once filled with seedy hotels, boarded up buildings, and crime has given way to hip restaurants, unique boutiques, and cool coffee shops. Sure, things aren’t perfect and there’s a long way to go, but DTLV and Container Park has quickly become one of our go-to destinations.    

Glutton is housed in a former tattoo parlor, across the street from the popular downtown eatery, eat, and the trendy downtown shopping destination, Container Park. The interior is small, seating approximately forty patrons, but there’s an airy patio that has additional seating. I loved the exposed ceiling beams and ductwork, charming accents not usually seen in Las Vegas.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff: brunch, baby! Kyle and I worked up an appetite buying our first piece of art from Little Art Bodega (more on that later) and headed to Glutton at around noon. We typically like to split our entrees and drinks since that saves us money and wasting food (yes, we’re that couple), but we were hungry and decided to split the Glutton for Punishment Bloody Mary and an order of the spicy pork rinds.

Kyle digs into the Glutton for Punishment and Spicy Pork Rinds

Well, one taste of the Glutton for Punishment and Kyle knew he needed his own. This Bloody Mary comes loaded with shrimp, pickled mushrooms, and togarashi chili, a spice blend popular in Japan. Paired with the spicy pork rinds, we knew instantly why this restaurant bears its name. After chatting with the friendly folks at the next table, we received our entrees: The Proper Breakfast Sandwich for Kyle and the Breakfast Salad for me. I wish I’d taken photos of each because they were delicious! Kyle liked his so much, he proclaimed it, “The best breakfast sandwich I’ve ever had!” You might think my Breakfast Salad was bland compared to that, but you’d be wrong divas. Wild greens, potatoes and topped with a poached egg, this dish was a fantastic choice for brunch.

In DTLV or shopping at Container Park, head to Glutton first for a boozy brunch.

Keep up with Glutton on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram.

Restaurant Recommendations: 
  • Glutton for Punishment Bloody Mary
  • Spicy Pork Rinds
  • The Proper Breakfast Sandwich
  • Breakfast Salad

Monday, November 09, 2015

Diva's, I'm Back!

Diva’s, listen, I know it’s been a while. And if you’re keeping track, “a while” could also mean “two years”. Yikes. A few things have transpired since we last spoke in (gulp) February 2013. Actually that was the month that everything changed. 

When I last posted, I was partaking in what would be my final Soulard Mardi Gras as a citizen of St. Louis. But of course, I didn’t know that then. I didn’t know that in a few weeks I’d reconnect with my high school sweetheart. I didn’t know that we’d meet for dinner and zing! that would be the end of the single life for me (can I get an Amen?!). I didn’t know that after that fateful dinner, we’d talk or Facetime every night until April, when I visited Las Vegas a second time. I didn’t know that I’d quit my job, pack up my beloved townhouse in Soulard, and move from St. Louis to Las Vegas. And, you can bet all the water in the Bellagio fountains that I definitely didn’t know that we’d be married in 2015! There’s so much more to our story and I plan to document it here, but you can read more about us on The Knot.

What I do know, however, is that I miss blogging. I miss having a little spot to document my life. I still love finding the best restaurants in town and reading good books and, now, I have a partner in crime to experience all of it with.

This little blog has undergone a bit of an overhaul and I’m still tweaking it and will possibly even completely change the template, but I’m ready to get back to blogging. I have some good posts lined up, so as my bio suggests, sit back, bring some champs and read awhile.